DITTO Down Under
The aim of this event is to increase the awareness of the Australian science community to DITTO, We will advertise the event in Australia through the extensive contacts developed e.g. through Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS).
We are planning a 1 hour event to Introduce the concept of DITTO to the Australian marine community. It will consist of Introductory presentation (30 mins) followed and Q&A (30 mins). This will set the scene for those interested to sign up for the launch.
Michelle Heupel
(The University of Western Australia)
Southern African Requirements and Existing Capabilities for Digital Twins of the Ocean
The Satellite event “Southern African Requirements and Existing Capabilities for Digital Twins of the Ocean” is open to all members of the public. Stakeholders working in the ocean domain from industry, academia, government and non-profit organizations are invited to engage in discussions on the potential benefits and applications of ocean digital twins for southern Africa and help us identify key priority areas for the developments.
Marjolaine Krug,
Panel members:
Dr. Tammy Morris, Mr. Tshikana Rasehlomi, Dr. Jennifer Veitch, Dr. Stewart Bernard
Generating and Exploring Ideas for Developing a Global Ocean Oxygen Database and ATlas (GO2DAT)
The Hackathon will be a 4-day event with 48 hours non-stop time for developing a prototype in a team and to think about its use, using various digital data related to ocean oxygen.
The winning teams will present their results virtually at the 53rd International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics / 3rd GO2NE Oxygen Conference which is taking place from 16 to 20 May 2022.
Andreas Oschlies, Kirsten Isensee, Marilaure Gregoire, Veronique Garcon
Digital Twin Interoperability - Architectures of Digital Ocean Twins (by TURTLE)
As initiatives around the globe begin to enhance ocean-oriented digital capacity, we have unprecedented opportunities to power digital twinning.
We - a group of partners that submkitted a Decade action to DITTO, named TURTLE (INTEROPERABILITY ARCHITECTURE FOR DIGITAL Twins of the OCEAN) - want to discuss existing architectures of DIgital Ocean Systems to address priority activity a) and work towards a common Digital Twins of the Ocean interoperability architecture.
Ute Brönner, Arne Jørgen Berre
Virtual events on Digital Twins of the Ocean are continously updated.
Please find more information in the call for satellites or on the "Home"-page of this websitet. The specific formats of the events can range from short informal meetings to many hours-long hackathons, from local consultations, poster sessions to regional or global workshops, with invited speaker or simple open discussion fora. They can be in English or other languages.
Be creative and bring together people around the globe interested in digital twins of the ocean!
Each individual events have the objective to support the engagement and advancement of actions in the broad area of Digital Twins of the Ocean. The specific formats of the events can range from short informal meetings to many hours-long hackathons, from local consultations, poster sessions to regional or global workshops, with invited speaker or simple open discussion fora. They can be in English or other languages.
Be creative and bring together people around the globe interested in digital twins of the ocean!
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